Diabetes Nular Ga
Penyebab Luka Diabetes Sulit Sembuh Dan Cara Mengobatinya G ranuloma a nular (ga) foi descrito por colcott fox em 1895, diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in 21% of our referral group of generalized granuloma annulare cases, compared with 9. 7% in 1350. Granuloma annulare (gran-u-low-muh an-u-lar-e) is a skin condition that causes raised reddish or skin-colored bumps (lesions) in a ring pattern. the bumps are usually on the hands and feet. minor skin injuries and some drugs might trigger the condition. different types affect adults and children. the lesions usually disappear diabetes nular ga on their own within two years without treatment. but if you're bothered by how your skin looks or feels, your doctor can prescribe medications that can speed the disappear Early vitrectomy and endolaser photocoagulation in patients with type i diabetes with severe vitreous hemorrhage nauman a. chaudhry, md,i edward s. lim, md,i yoshihiro saito, md,i william f. mieler, md,2 peter e. liggett, md3...