Akne Propolis I
Propolis mast je odlična za rane koje teško zarastaju, kao i za mnoga kožna obolenja: akne, ekcem, psorijazu, dermatitis, gljivična obolenja kože, noktiju i vlasišta. izuzetno je efikasna kod čireva, opekotina i uboda. propolis ima svojstvo da zaustavlja abnormalno razmnožavanje ćelija (citostatik) i leči dobroćudne tumore. The level of the active constituents in propolis can vary depending on the geographic location and time of year in which it is collected. propolis contains antioxidant flavonoids, including quercetin, pinocembrin, galangin and pinobanksin. caffeic acid and hydroquinone -an organic compound often used in commercial cosmetic formulas to treat skin and lighten age spots -are present as well. propolis also contains magnesium, nickel, calcium iron and zinc. drugs. com -which provides peer-reviewed medical information to consumers -credits propolis with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, adding that the antioxidant powers of phenolic compounds in pr...